Poetry sounds through the theatre room. British poet Harry Man reads his poems and the students listen to his amazing rhythmic lines and words. Sometimes they are too fast to grasp as they fly through the room. However, his voice draws us back and resonates in our ears and mind.

Marco Organo accompanies him. Through a scholarship he got the chance and time to translate Man’s poetry into German and got to know him in a small English village. Today, he sits next to the poet, a little bit nervous in front of the class, but the translations rebuild the structure, sound and rhythm into marvellous German lines.

Surprisingly, Man asks in one poem “Have you ever spawned like this?”. Here he refers to the successful video game “Minecraft”. In another poem he takes the students on a flight of the Saturn V rocket in 1972. Then, he invents or creates the word “Telesue” and explains with the help of astonishing and vivid examples what the imaginary word really means.

Harry Man and Marco Organo leave the book “Auftrieb” in our library. If you have ever asked yourself who “The Only Woman That Have Walked On The Moon” is, you will find the answer in this book in our library at KGS W. v. Humboldt.

We thank Harry Man and Marco Organo for being guests at our school and sharing their thoughts, ideas and poems with many different classes.

Autor T. Stade

Date: 23.9.22

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Hier geht es zum Fotowettbewerb: Plakat_2_-_KGS.pdf  

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