Mrs. Adam likes the English language and therefore she looks for options to improve the English of students and also of teachers.

So it was possible for us to learn more English, at first every week at school with Mrs. Adam and afterwards we were able to go to Malta as a highlight of our first holiday week to practice with native speakers.

It was challenging but also very funny to listen and speak to the Scottish teacher James.

He talked with us about Scotland, his place of birth, his work at a prison and his family in Gozo and thus he gave us very lovely insights about his life.

After school Mrs. Adam organized trips through the lovely country: the southern route with the Hop-on Hop-off- bus, a trip to Valletta, Mdina, Gozo, Victoria, the blue lagune….

a special event was the sunset on the sea and the stay in the best café with the best cakes in Malta.

We were a great team. We helped each other to understand and use the language. Every evening we went to a restaurant and tasted the traditional Maltese food, for example Pastizzi and Stuffat tal Fenek. Furthermore, we drank wine and cocktails in local bars.

Dear Mrs. Adam, many thanks for the wonderful week.

U. Bastian and the Malta-team

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